Consumables#ID /Name /Description /Price /Find Place
#1 /Potion /Restores 30% of your health /500 /All arround the game
#2 /Big Potion /Restores 60% of your health /1000 /All arround the game
#3 /Ether /Restores 30% of your mana /600 /Claudia's Shop
#4 /Big Ether /Restores 60% of your mana /1100 /Tymeo Mountains, Claudia's Shop
#5 /Remedy /It recovers bad states /700 /All arround the game
#6 /Elixir /It fully heals you /20000 /All arround the game
#ID /Name /Description /Price /Find Place
#10 /Arrow /For every kind of bow /5 /Zanizora Temple, Claudia's Shop
#11 /Bullet /For the T-MOG99 /10 /Claudia's Shop
Throwing Weapons
#ID /Name /Description /Price /Find Place
#7 /Bomb /Powerfull explosive /500 /All arround the game
#42 /Ice Bomb /Powerfull explosive, it explotes with ice. /500 /Dracula's Castle
Rare Items, Specials
#ID /Name /Description /Price /Find Place
#20 /MagicTiket/It teleport you to Claudia's shop /100 /Enemy drop, Claudia's Shop
#21 /Memorial.T/It teleports you to the last savepoint /100 /Claudia's Shop
#48 /BloodTear/It brings you Dracula's powers for a while./10000 /Dracula's Castle, Claudia's second shop, after the second battle with Maldort
Keys and Important Items
#ID /Name /Description /Price /Find Place
#24 /Leviatán Key /A key with the leviatán mark. /Unsaleable /After the figth with Hector
#27 /Beach Key /A key with a beach mark. /Unsaleable /Aquatic Caves
#39 /Imp Key /Key with a tiny devil mark /Unsaleable /Skeleton Cave
#37 /Gear Key /Key whit a gear mark. /Unsaleable /Dracula's Castle
#43 /CatacombsKey/Key that opens the door of Catacombs of Dracula's Castle /Unsaleable /Dracula's Castle
#45 /Tiny Gear /A tiny gear /Unsaleable /Dracula's Castle
#47 /Throne Room Key /Key that opens the door of the Thore Room of Dracula's Castle /Unsaleable /Dracula's Castle